Professor - 1
Associate Professor -
Assistant Professor - 4
Tutor - 4
Curator - 1
Housekeeping (Sweeper) - 2
The department of Forensic Medicine has well equipped labs, class rooms, well equipped demonstration room, air conditioned lecture hall, museum and library. There is a separate mortuary complex with spacious demonstration room and required equipments.
- Academic activities
- Clinical forensic medicine
- Expert opinion
- Attending courts for medicolegal issues
- Research activities
- Training programmes for doctors, officers of police department and judiciary
1. Comparison of pattern of death during pre-lock down period and Covid 19 lockdown period in central Kerala- An autopsy study in Asian Journal of Medical Sciences 2021- Dr. Renju Raveendran.
2. Study on Human Cranial Index with its Sex Difference from Central Kerala in Asian Journal of Medical Sciences 2021- Dr. Renju Raveendran.
3. Determination of soft tissue thickness of face for facial reconstruction – an autopsy study in Journal of evolution of medical and dental sciences 2021 – Dr. Bindu Samuel.
4. Determination of the mechanism of causation of various types of injuries due to road traffic accidents: A Descriptive and single centre study.- International Journal of Pharmaceuticals and Clinical Research- 2022.- Dr.Dipu Mohan, Dr. Bindu Samuel, Dr. Smitha S.