Professor - 1
Associate Professor - 1
Assistant Professor - 2
Senior Resident - 1
Tutor - 6
Junior Resident -
Housekeeping (Sweeper) - 2
The following facilitiesare available:
- Serology labs- ELISA for HBSAg+ HCV, Latex Agglutination test for CRP+RA,+ASO, Widal , VDRL, Rapid test for dengue & Leptospirosis
- ICTC labs ( in coordination with KSACS) with HIV scfreening & counsellor for pretest & post test counselling
- Bacteriology lab - Culture and sensitivity - being set up
- Sterility testing after cleaning and fumigation of operation theatres
1. Pushpa Kizhakkekarammel , Ajithkumar V T , Rekha Rachel Philip , Raveendran G. Repeated Outbreaks of Paratyphoid Fever– An Ongoing Threat in North Kerala. JMSCR Volume 06 Issue 02 February 2018, Page No: 418-422
2. Mundangalam N. Urinary tract Infection in Tertiary care hospital in Kerala and Burkholderia cepacia in uncomplicated UTI. J. Evid. Based Med. Healthc. 2018; 5 (23), 1751-1754. DOI:10.18410/jebmh/2018/367
3. Kalpana George, Sohanlal thiruvoth, Sheena Krishnan, Raveendran G. Exudative pharyngitis by Corynebacterium pseudodiphtherium – A diagnostic challenge during diphtheria epidemic. J of clinical and diagnostic Research, 2018 Apr, vol 12(4) DM01-DM03
4. Sheena Krishnan, Pushpa Kizekkekarammel, Kalpana George, Jaichand Johnson, Rejitha Kurukeran, Raveendran G. Re-emergence of diphtheria in Malappuram district, North Kerala, India. J of academy of Clinical Microbiologists Vol 20(1) Jan-June 18; 37-39
5. Vidya B, Priya Ashok, Raveendran G. MRSA Colonization and disease severity in atopic dermatitis. Global J for Research analysis Vol 7(6) June 2018; 70-71
6. Jose R A, Alexander V S, Jacob A A, Mathew R. Are we missing the diagnosis of disseminated Melioidosis? An unusual presentation of Melioidosis with prostatic abscess. J of academy of Clinical Microbiologists Vol 20(1) Jan-June 18;40-42
7. Review article- Laboratory tests and clinical management of Dengue in 26 healthcare institutions in India. J of academy of Clinical Microbiologists Vol 20(1) Jan-June 18; 5-13
8. Pushpa K, Ajithkumar, Rekha Rachel Philip, Geetha Raveendran. Repeated outbreaks of paratyphoid fever- an ongoing threat in North Kerala. J of medical Science and clinical Research Vol 6(02) Feb 2018; 418-22
9. Kiran Gopal, Solabannavar S S, Mohammed Riyas. Aerobic bacteriology of chronic suppurative otitis media and its antibiotic susceptibility pattern in a tertiary care hospital, Bagalkot. Trop J Micro 2019;5 (ii)911-919. doi 10.17511/jopm.2019 i11.13
10. Kiran Gopal, Solabannavar S S. Quality control study of hospital laboratory in a tertiary care hospital. Trop J Patho Micro 2019 5 (12) 983-987 doi.10.17511/jopm.2d9i 12.03
11. Kiran Gopal, Jinu T Eldo, Mohammed Riyas. Bacteriology of chronic suppuratyive otitis media and its associated risk factors in a tertiary care hospital. Medplus International journal of Microbiology November 2019; 12(2):36-40
12. Thampi D.K, Mundangalam N, Pulikottil S.K et al., Comparison of phenotypic MRSA detection methods with mecA gene PCR in a tertiary care centre in India. J. Evolution Med. Dent. Sci. 2019; 8(36): 2813 - 2817 DOI : 10.14260/jemds/2019/610
Current areas of research - Ongoing projects
- Evaluation of immune response to Hepatitis B Vaccination among health workers in a tertiary care hospital in Kerala.