Professor - 1
Associate Professor - 2
Assistant Professor - 3
Senior Resident - 2
Tutor - 5
Curator - 1
Housekeeping (Sweeper) - 2
Department of Pathology located in C section of Academic Block, first floor includes histopathology laboratory, students laboratory, museum, library and departmental store.
Diagnostic cytology and haematology sections in the central lab in diagnostic block.
- Histopathology
- Diagnostic Cytology - FNAC, Cervical Smear, fluid cytology
- Haematology - Blood routine, stool occult blood, Urine examination, peripheral smear and bone marrow studies
Dr Rema Priyadarsini, Professor
1. Manakkad SP, Priyadarsini R, Bindu V. Morphological study of intestinal polyps with
clinicopathological correlation- 2 years observational study at a tertiary care centre of South
India. J. Evolution Med. Dent. Sci 2016;5(102):7491-7498
2. Priyadarsini R, Saju PR, Nambiar AR et al. Carcinoma histopathology in needle biopsies
including revised Gleason grading and role of immunohistochemical markers. J. Evid. Based
Med. Healthc. 2017;4(36), 0000-0000
3. Priyadarsini R et al. Ocular adnexal lymphomas- A Clinicopathologic and Histomorphological
analysis. J. Evid. Based Med. Healthc. 2017;4(42)
4. Saju PR, Priyadarsini R. Ureteric strictures- An Analytical Study of Aetiology, Pathology ans
Management. J. Evid. Based Med. Healthc. 2017;4(42)
Dr. Sushma, Asst. Professor:
1.Sushma. The role of Rescreening in the Quality Control program of Cervical Smear Reporting. International Journal of Contemporary Medical Research.2017.4(2).E- ISSN: 2393-915X, P-ISSN: 2454-7379
2.Sushma, Roshny Jacob.Implications of interobserver variability in cervical smear reporting. 2017; 5(9). e-ISSN-2320-6012, pISSN 2320-6071
3.Reshmi P Sasi, Sushma. Expression of Immunohistochemical markers (CD56 and p63) in various non neoplastic and neoplastic lesions of thyroid gland. Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research, 2020;14(2).
Dr Bindiya Gisuthan, Associate Professor:
1.Hye RA,Gisuthan B,Kariveettil I. A comparative study between conventional and modified leishman
stain.International Journal of Research and Review.2021; 8(2):5-12.
2..Shyama S,Elias RE,Gisuthan B.Utility of modified PAP stain in histopathology for demonstration of
keratin.International Journal of Research and Review.2020; 7:447-452
3..Elias RE, Gisuthan B,Histopathological changes in helicobacter pylori associated gastritis and scope
of special stain and IHC as diagnostic aids. J Evid Based MedHealthc 2020; 7(50), 3027-3032.
4.Gisuthan B,Sreeganesh AS,Elias RE.Urothelial neoplasms of urinary bladder – a clinicopathological
correlative study.J Evid Based MedHealthc 2020; 7(47), 2741-2746.DOI:10.18410/jebmh/2020/563
Dr.Siji Mathew ,Asst.Professor
1.Ashley ann Varughese, Siji Mathew & Lakshmy MR-Haematological findings of COVID 19 and their
association with disease severity – A hospital based observational study in Kerala. International journal
of current Medical and Applied sciences ;2022April,34(2) 61-67
2.Siji Mathew-Peripheral smear and bone marrow in chronic lymphoproliferative disorders-Journal of
Cardiovascular disease research. ISSN :0975-3583,0976-2833 Vol 13,Issue 02,2022
Dr. Ashley Ann Varughese, Asst. Professor:
1. Ashley Ann Varughese, Alfy Ann George, Elizabeth K Abraham. A rare case of cotylenoid dissecting
leiomyoma of the uterus in a pregnant lady – a case report. International Journal of Current Research, 10,
(06), 70644-70646.
2. Anu Sumi Issac, Ashley Ann Varughese et al. A clinicopathological analysis of 120 cases of prostate
biopsies and their correlation with PSA levels. APALM.2237.
3.Ashley ann Varughese,Siji Mathew & Lakshmy MR-Haematological findings of COVID 19 and their
association with disease severity – A hospital based observational study in Kerala. International journal of
current Medical and Applied sciences ;2022April,34(2) 61-67
Dr. Suma S, Asst. Professor:
1.Suma S, Shameem K Ummerali. HER 2neu expression in colorectal cancers. International journal of
comtemporary medical research 2017, 4 (6). E- ISSN: 2393-915X, P-ISSN: 2454-7379.
2.Shameem Kasthuri Ummerali, Suma Sarojini. Correlation of HER 2 neu expression and histopathological
grading and staging of colorectal carcinomas. Journal of evolution of Medical and Dental sciences. 2017,
6(60). E- ISSN- 2278-4802, P-ISSN-2278-4748.