- Professor - 1
- Associate Professor - 1
- Asst. Professor - 7
- Senior resident -
- Tutor - 2
- Lab technician -1
- Housekeeping Staff (sweeper) - 1
The Department of Physiology has facilities for teaching 100 MBBS students.The Dept. has a lecture hall with a seating capacity of 120 and is fully equipped with audio- visual teaching aids. A demonstration hall with 60 Jefferson chairs and LCD Projector is also available. There are 4 laboratories in the department- 1. Hematology Lab
2. Clinical Physiology Lab
3. Amphibian Lab
4. Mammalian Lab
There is a Departmental library with books.
Dr. Jessy John- Associate Professor
- Changes in lipid peroxidation in different trimesters of pregnancy
- Changes in maternal lipid peroxidation before and immediately after delivery. JIMA, vol-110.no.8, August2012
- Effect of severity of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease on cognitive dysfunction in patients attending a tertiary care centre in kerala. International journal of advanced research (2015), volume 3, issue 12, 780 – 786
- Cognitive functions in patients with copd attending a tertiary care centre in kerala. Biomedicine;2015,35(4);418-424.
- A study of electro encephalo graphic changes and cognitive functions in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease with different grades of bode severity. IJCMR ,volume 3- issue 11 , November 2016, pg 3330-3333
- Study of smoking pattern and cognitive changes in copd patients attending tertiary care centre in kerala. IJPP, 2017;61(3);302-307.
- Effect of yoga as an adjunctive therapy on the respiratory function of copd patients with mild to severe grades of severity in a tertiary care centre in kerala. IJCMR,2019;6(3);C1-C5.
- Variation of cognition and cerebral activity with severity of airflow obstruction in copd. International Journal of Advance Research ,9(06),860-868.
- Effect of comprehensive yoga therapy on pulmonary function among various groups with copd. Biomedicine; vol 1,42, no. 2, 2022.
Dr. Aneesh Joseph – Assistant Professor
1. Cardiac autonomic activity , physical fitness and arterial blood pressure of Kungfu practitioners, Translational sports medicine 3 (5). 447-453, 2020
Dr. Sayam Subhash – Assistant Professor
1. Comparison of ppt with animation enhanced traditional demonstartion and traditional practical demonstartion in physiology among first year UG medical students., NJPPP, 2018;8(11):1481-1484
2. Effect of HT on motor nerve conduction variables, JEMBH, 2016:3(75):4091-4093
3. Effect of anuloma viloma pranayama on primary dysmenorhhea in young females, IJAR, 5(8),511-51