MANPOWER Professor - 1 Physiotherapist-2 1. Amruthalal.V 2. Sanjeev C K |
- All major and minor gynaec surgeries.
1. Giant cell tumour of Calcaneus, Dr.Abdul Rahman, Dr. VinodKumar BP, Dr. CS Vikraman, KJO, VOL 32, ISS2, JUL-DEC 2109, PAGE53-55.
2. Osteopetrosis- An experience of open reduction and internal fixation, Dr.Naufal, Dr. VinodKumar BP, Dr. CS Vikraman, KJO,VOL 32,ISS2,JUL-DEC 2109,PAGE56-58.
3. Skeletal tuberculosis the challenges, Dr. VinodKumar BP, Future Medicine, volume 5, issue2, MARCH 2019, Page 64-70.
4. Paediatric hip disorders part 1- Dr. VinodKumar BP, Future Medicine, volume 7, issue1, MAY 2020, Page 64-70.
5. Paediatric hip disorders part 2- Dr. VinodKumar BP, Future Medicine, volume 7, issue3, July 2020. Page 67-76
6. Tuberculosis of Calcaneum -A Unique Presentation, 2016-JIMA 2017,VOLUME 115, NUMBER :06,32-34.
7. OSTEOSARCOMA- A CASE REPORT, KOAJ, Prof. Dr. T.S Gopakumar1, Dr. Vinod Kumar .B.P.2, Dr. Subin Sugath3 ,Dr.Anandanarayana Swamy4. Dr. Sunish Mohan5
8. Determinants of Backache- A Case Control Study at Riyadh, Saudi Arabia 2017 , JOURNAL OF EVIDENCE BASED MEDICINE HEALTH, 2017,VOLUME 4,ISSUE 32;1865-71.
9. An Epidemiological study in Injury Victims Seeking Service in a Tertiary Care Center in Kerala during 2008-09, JOURNAL OF EVIDENCE BASED MEDICINE HEALTH, 2017,VOLUME 4,ISSUE 48;2917-24.
10. Neuropathic Joint- A life saving Management, JOURNAL OF EVIDENCE BASED MEDICINE HEALTH 2017,VOLUME 4,ISSUE 37;2253-55.
11. Burden of Disease, costing and Disability among Injury Victims in Kerala, IJSR, VOLUME 6, ISSU E7, JULY 2017, 193-200.
12. Determinants of bad outcome in spinal injuries- A case control study JEBMH, 2017, VOLUME 4, ISSUE 51, 3131-38.
13. Recurrent dislocation of Shoulder- Boytchev Procedure, A review article, IJSR, VOLUME 9, ISSU E7,JULY 2017,54786-54789.
14. Acromio- Clavicular Injuries- a prospective clinical study, IJSR, VOLUME 8, ISSUE 7, JULY 2019.
15. Central Cord Syndrome-A clinical Study, JEBMH, VOLUME6, ISSUE30, JULY2019, 2036-41.
Ongoing Projects
1. Outcome among Musculo-Skeletal Injury Victims Seeking In- Patient care in a tertiary care centre in Kerala during 2019-2021.
2. Outcome of Non Trauma Chronic Musculo-Skeletal Pain Syndromes managed in Orthopaedic Department in a tertiary care centre in Kerala.